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5 Common Reasons Your AC Isn’t Blowing Cold

Publish Date : May 5, 2023

AC Repair

My AC unit isn’t blowing cold air! a common expression by most homeowners in Aliso Viejo and many other places.

To avoid such expressions, it’s essential to check that your air conditioning system is operating properly as the summer months draw closer.

However, the AC unit in many homes may not be blowing cold air, which is a common issue. In particular, during the sweltering summer days, this problem might make your home feel uneasy and unpleasant, hence the need for urgent AC repair in Aliso Viejo.

Thankfully, most causes of why your air conditioner isn’t blowing cold air can be quickly fixed with some troubleshooting. The five most frequent causes of this problem will be covered in this article, along with solutions.

Low Refrigerant or Leaking

Low refrigerant levels or leaks are among the most frequent causes of an air conditioner that won’t blow cold air.

The substance that cools the air in your air conditioner is called refrigerant. Your unit won’t work properly if there isn’t enough refrigerant.

Here are some signs that your AC may be low on refrigerant:

  • Your AC unit is blowing warm air
  • There’s frost or ice buildup on your AC unit
  • You notice a hissing or bubbling noise coming from your AC unit

If you suspect that your AC unit is low on refrigerant or is leaking, you should contact an AC repair professional immediately.

They can quickly diagnose the issue and recharge your refrigerant level. They offer AC repair in Aliso Viejo for such issues and can fix the problem in no time.

Dirty or Clogged Filter

A dirty or clogged air filter is another typical cause of an AC unit not blowing cold air. The air filter in your air conditioner assists in clearing the air of dust, debris, and other pollutants.

Your air conditioner may stop blowing cold air if the filter becomes clogged with dirt over time, which makes it difficult for air to pass through.

Several warning signs that your AC filter may need cleaning or replacement include the ones listed below:

  • Your AC unit is blowing weak airflow
  • There’s a musty odor coming from your AC unit
  • You notice an increase in your energy bill

You should routinely clean or replace your AC filter to address this issue. You might need to do this every one to three months, depending on the filter type and usage. Professionals offer filter cleaning and replacement along with air conditioner repair in Aliso Viejo.

Thermostat problem: AC not blowing cold air

If your AC unit isn’t blowing cold air, it could be due to a thermostat problem. Your thermostat is responsible for controlling the temperature of your AC unit. If it’s not calibrated correctly, your AC unit may not function correctly, resulting in your unit not blowing cold air.

These warning signs point to a potential thermostat issue:

  • Your AC unit is blowing warm air
  • The temperature in your home doesn’t match the thermostat setting
  • Your AC unit doesn’t turn on at all

If you suspect that your thermostat is the problem, try recalibrating it or replacing the batteries. If this doesn’t work, contact an AC repair professional for air conditioner repair in Aliso Viejo.

Blockages or Clogs in Registers

Blockages or clogs in your air registers can occasionally be the cause of your air conditioner not blowing cold air. These are the vents that let air enter your home from your air conditioning system.

The presence of dust, debris, or other pollutants can cause blockages or clogs.

Your air registers may be clogged if you notice any of the following:

  • There’s weak airflow coming from your AC unit
  • You notice dust or debris buildup around your air registers
  • You hear a whistling or rattling noise coming from your AC unit

You should routinely clean your air registers to address this issue. To get rid of any accumulation of dust or debris, use a soft cloth or a vacuum cleaner. If the issue persists, you might need to seek the assistance of a professional electrician in Aliso Viejo for air conditioner repair.

Condenser or Evaporator Issues

Finally, issues with the condenser or evaporator could be the cause of your AC unit’s failure to produce cold air. These are the two main parts of your air conditioner that cool the air. They may deteriorate over time and stop producing cold air when this happens.

The following are some indicators that your condenser or evaporator may be the issue:

  • Your AC unit is blowing warm air
  • There’s ice or frost buildup on your AC unit
  • You notice a strange odor coming from your AC unit

You should speak with a professional in AC repair right away to resolve this issue. They can quickly identify the problem and fix or replace the broken parts.

Also Read:- How Does Regular Maintenance Reduce The Need For Air Conditioner Repair?

Prevention and maintenance

Regular maintenance is one of the most crucial things you can do to keep your AC system from blowing warm air. Here are some pointers to keep your air conditioner operating effectively:

Change Your Air Filter Regularly

Changing your air filter on a regular basis is one of the most important things you can do to keep your AC unit operating effectively.

Your AC unit’s airflow may be restricted by a dirty or clogged air filter, making it more difficult for it to cool your home.

Warm air may then emerge from the vents as a result of this. Depending on how frequently you use your AC unit and the manufacturer’s recommendations, you should replace your air filter every one to three months.

Have Your AC Unit Serviced Regularly

Servicing your air conditioner on a regular basis can help to avoid problems. A qualified AC repair technician can examine your air conditioner, clean its parts, and perform any necessary repairs.

By doing this, you can make sure that your air conditioner is operating effectively and keeping your house cozy and cool.

Keep Your Registers Clean

Another crucial step in preventing your AC unit from not blowing cold air is keeping your registers clean.

Over time, dust and other debris may gather in your registers, obstructing airflow and making it more difficult for your air conditioner to effectively cool your house.

To keep your registers clean and clear of any obstructions, you should regularly dust and vacuum the area around them.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat can help prevent your air conditioner from failing to produce cold air. You can control the temperature in your home with the aid of a programmable thermostat, making sure that your AC unit only runs when it is necessary.

Your AC unit will last longer and won’t stop blowing cold air if you do this to help reduce wear and tear.


There are numerous causes for your air conditioner not to be producing cold air. The usual suspects include low refrigerant levels, dirty filters, thermostat issues, blockages in registers, and condenser or evaporator problems.

To prevent further harm and discomfort in your home, it’s essential to address any of these issues as soon as possible. In order to get your air conditioner back up and running, get in touch with a professional air conditioner repair in Aliso Viejo.

You need to look no further than EZ Eletric for AC repair in Aliso Viejo. In order to keep you cool and comfortable throughout the summer, our team of qualified experts can identify and resolve any problem with your air conditioner. Call us right away to make an appointment! Don’t say my AC unit isn’t blowing cold air again.

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