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Home » Blog » Is Your AC Leaking? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Ignore It

Is Your AC Leaking? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Ignore It

Publish Date : April 14, 2023

air conditioner leaking water outside

Aliso Viejo, in Orange County, California, is known for its sunny weather and low humidity during the summer months of June through August.

When these summer months arrive, you depend heavily on your air conditioner to keep you comfortable and cool.

But there are times when you start seeing water dripping from the split AC indoor unit, causing you disappointment.

Ignoring the air conditioner leaking water outside or water dripping from the split ac indoor unit can lead to more serious issues that may require only experts to fix.

In such cases, if you do not know how to repair a leaking air conditioner, then you will surely need air conditioner repair in Aliso Viejo.

This article is going to look at why your AC leaks and reasons why you should not ignore it. It will also provide expert suggestions on how you can fix the leaking AC as well as preventive measures. Read on!

Why is your AC leaking?

Before we dive into why you shouldn’t ignore an AC leak, let’s first understand why it’s happening. There are several reasons why your AC may be leaking water:

Clogged Drain Line

Over time, the drain line that carries the condensation from your AC’s evaporator coil can become clogged with dirt, dust, and other debris. This can cause the water to back up and overflow, resulting in water dripping from the split AC indoor unit.

Frozen Evaporator Coil

If your AC’s evaporator coil freezes over, it can cause the AC to shut off and the ice to melt, leading to excess water that can leak.

Dirty Air Filter

A dirty air filter can restrict the airflow to your AC’s evaporator coil, causing it to freeze over and lead to water leaks.

Improper Installation

If your air conditioner was not properly installed, the drain line may have been installed incorrectly, resulting in the air conditioner leaking water outside.

Low Refrigerant

Low refrigerant levels can cause the evaporator coil to freeze over and result in water leaks.

Why shouldn’t you ignore an AC leak?

Ignoring an air conditioner leak or an air conditioner leaking water outside can lead to several serious issues that endanger your health, home, and wallet. Here are some of the reasons why you should not disregard an AC leak:

Mold Growth

When water accumulates in your air conditioning unit or home, it can create a damp environment that promotes mold growth.

Mold spores can cause several health issues, including respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and headaches. Mold can grow in hidden areas such as ductwork or inside walls if an AC leak is ignored, making it difficult to detect and eradicate.

Structural Damage

Water from an AC leak can cause serious structural damage over time if it drips onto your floors or walls.

Water can seep into the walls and floors, causing rot, warping, and foundation weakness. This can lead to costly air conditioner repair in Aliso Viejo or even the need to replace your flooring or walls entirely.

Electrical Damage

If water comes into contact with electrical wiring or components, an AC leak can cause electrical damage. Water and electricity do not mix, and an electrical short can result in a fire or other potentially hazardous situations.

If you notice water pooling around your AC unit or dripping from the indoor unit, turn it off immediately and contact a professional.

Higher Utility Bills

When your air conditioner leaks, it is not working properly. This means your air conditioner will have to work harder and longer to cool your home, which may result in higher utility bills.

Ignoring an AC leak can result in a reduction in energy efficiency and an increase in your monthly utility bills.

Costly Repairs

If you ignore an AC leak, it can lead to more expensive repairs in the future. Small leaks can become larger leaks, causing more damage and necessitating more extensive repairs.

Ignoring an AC leak may necessitate the replacement of your entire air conditioning system in some cases.

Reduced Indoor Air Quality

When water leaks from an air conditioner, it can foster the growth of mold and bacteria. These contaminants can have a negative impact on the quality of your indoor air, causing respiratory issues and allergies.

If you ignore an AC leak, contaminants can spread throughout your home via your HVAC system, compromising the quality of your indoor air.

Voided Warranty

Ignoring an AC leak can void your warranty if you have a newer air conditioning unit. To keep the warranty valid, most manufacturers require regular maintenance and prompt repairs.

Failure to address an AC leak may result in costly repairs that are not covered under warranty.

Unpleasant Odors

A leak in your air conditioning unit can also lead to the formation of unpleasant odors. Stagnant water can serve as a breeding ground for bacteria, resulting in foul odors that spread throughout your home.

Ignoring an AC leak can cause these odors to persist and spread, making your home an unpleasant place to live.

Also Read:- What Are The Factors Affecting The Performance Of Your Air Conditioner?

How to repair a leaking air conditioner

There are several steps you can take if you notice an air conditioner leaking water outside or water dripping from a split AC indoor unit:

Turn off your AC

To avoid further damage, even though you may not know how to repair a leaking air conditioner, the first thing is to turn off your air conditioner first.

Examine the drain line: Examine the drain line to see if it is clogged with debris. If this is the case, you can try suctioning out the clog with a wet/dry vacuum. You can also remove the debris with a pipe cleaner or a small brush.

Replace the air filter

Replace your dirty air filter with a new one to improve airflow to your AC’s evaporator coil.

Thaw the evaporator coil

If your evaporator coil is frozen, turn off your air conditioner and let it completely defrost before turning it back on.

Check refrigerant levels

If you suspect that low refrigerant levels are causing the leak, you will need to contact a professional for Aliso Viejo air conditioner repair to add more refrigerant.

Clean the condensate pan

The condensate pan collects the water that drips off the evaporator coil. It can overflow and leak if it becomes clogged with dirt or debris. To thoroughly clean the pan, use a solution of warm water and dish soap.

Call a professional

If you’ve tried everything above and your air conditioner is still leaking water, it’s time to call a professional for Aliso Viejo’s air conditioner repair.

A trained electrician in Aliso Viejo can diagnose the issue and make the necessary repairs to get your air conditioner up and running again.

Preventing future AC leaks

While it is impossible to prevent all AC leaks, there are a few steps you can take to reduce your chances of future leaks:

  • Schedule regular maintenance with a professional technician to keep your air conditioner in good working order and to detect any potential problems early on.
  • Replace your air filter regularly: A dirty air filter can cause many issues, including AC leaks. Replace your air filter once every 1-3 months.
  • Keep the area around your air conditioner clean: To avoid clogs in the drain line, keep the area around your outdoor unit clear of debris such as leaves, grass, and branches.
  • Install a condensate pump: If your air conditioner is in a basement or another low-lying area, a condensate pump can help prevent water from overflowing and leaking.


It may appear that an air conditioner leaking water outside or water dripping from a split AC indoor unit is a minor annoyance, but it is important not to dismiss it.

Ignoring an air conditioner leak can result in serious problems such as mold growth, structural damage, and electrical damage. If you notice an AC leak, follow the steps outlined above to repair it, or contact a professional for Aliso Viejo air conditioner repair.

Preventing future AC leaks can help keep your AC running smoothly and save you money on future repairs.

EZ Electric provides quick and dependable service for any electrical repair or installation. You don’t have to know how to repair a leaking air conditioner; all you need to do is give them a call.

They are experts you can count on when it comes to air conditioner repair in Aliso Viejo.

Our team takes all COVID precautionary measures while working.